Your Emotions on the Job

When it comes to work, it often requires a delicate emotional balancing act. Most of us who care about our work performance find ourselves getting emotionally invested in outcomes. But, you’re tasked with finding appropriate ways to express that – or face the consequences.

Chicago_SkylineLast week, I posted a link on Facebook to an article about how emotional intelligence is your “secret weapon” at work. Coincidentally, my workplace is undertaking its own emotional intelligence project right now. I haven’t gone through it yet, and I’ll admit I’m a bit skeptical (I feel the power to change lies mostly within individuals and their willingness to do so), but I also figure it can’t hurt.

For me, I’ve found I need to grab a healthy dose of detachment around work. I care very much about my performance and strive to do the best I can. But, there’s also a lot of it that’s out of my control. I can’t force someone else to act or react the way that I want them to. I also have to be mindful of this when I make mistakes, or when things don’t go perfectly – the only thing I can do is to try my best next time.

If you’re looking to advance in your career, building emotional intelligence can only help you. Think about some of the best leaders you’ve known on the job – someone who was your manager, or someone else. What characteristics did they have? If they were demanding, did they balance it with appropriate praise? If they made a mistake, did they own up to it honestly, rather than placing blame? Did they give credit for your work and ideas, rather than keeping it for themselves?

If you answered “yes” to those questions, chances are you were dealing with someone who is confident, emotionally skilled, empathic.
They are characteristics we can all strive to have for ourselves.

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